Q: I have some of my staff managing our social media/marketing, how would I benefit from hiring an outsider to start managing it for us?
A: Unless there are employees specifically designated to manage marketing, there are many issues that may come up, such as: security concerns, your brand being represented in different ways, having disjointed messaging, and your employees being distracted from their other work. If there is someone whose sole or main role is marketing - I'd still be happy to work with them (and you) to develop the best strategies, strengthen brand representation and recognition, and utilize various tools and resources to help your business grow.
Q: I have tried online/social marketing in the past and have not had any positive results, how will this time be different?
A: I totally understand how frustrating it can be - you spend time and energy (and you really don’t have any to spare!) and it's difficult to reach the right audiences and hard to quantify how many leads and sales you're able to generate. Here's how I can help: firstly, by saving you the time and energy! I will utilize various tools to schedule posts at the most beneficial times, offer ways to study analytics and track your engagements, and continue studying updates so you don’t have to spend your time researching the latest trends and standards.
Q: How would my business benefit from having you manage our marketing, rather than some virtual assistant or internet service?
A: There are a lot of services out there that generate various content and will post to your account on your behalf. However, algorithms (and people) prefer to see original posts from real humans. Posts that are copied and pasted, shared by third parties, etc. are being filtered out by programs and settings that are built into platforms like Facebook and Instagram. There’s also nothing stopping these services from using the same content for you and any of your competitors in the industry. Having someone that can meet with you and generate original content can set you apart from your competitors and help you work around tricky algorithms.
Q: We're hearing a lot about social media. Do you ONLY manage social accounts?
A: No - in addition to social media, I also offer website setup and management, email campaigns (think: Constant Contact and MailChimp), events management, employee training, office design and organization… basically, anything that gets, and keeps, small businesses running. If there’s a service or project you are interested in booking but don’t see listed, just ask! If it’s not something I can do, I have friends and colleagues I’d be happy to recommend